Chinese spies and their imaginary lizards
They'd gone so far left or right, they fell off the edge and came back the other side
This article from “Raw Story” is already over a year old and its headline sounds funny, but it illustrates the problem very well and that’s also exactly what happened to the German Epoch Times and why I brought it up. With my article exposing the German Epoch Times’s insane conspiracy theories I really didn’t mean to criticize the Epoch Times, but the Chinese Internet trolls that managed to infiltrate their German edition. Though of course their lack of action against it is on them.
Anyway, “Ultra Maga Hot Babe” isn’t in fact a person (I know, I am disappointed as well and was hoping for some nice selfies of her) but actually refers to an entire network of fake social media accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers run by a main account with tens of thousands of followers and that called itself “Ultra MAGA BELLA Hot Babe”.
Ultra MAGA BELLA Hot Babe claimed Obama would be a reptilian and that the DNC would be directly paying people to cast multiple fake votes and that transgender wouldn’t actually exist because anyone identifying as such would merely and necessarily be a victim of misguided parents indoctrinating them to become transgender during their childhood.
Can you recognize a pattern here? Yes, I know, they always seem to claim that one of the former U.S. Presidents is a reptilian. But I mean besides that. It’s all designed to make conservatives look bad.
I am not a conservative myself BTW. Personally I am more of a Libertarian, though the Libertarian Party here in Germany is admittedly a complete and utter train wreck. Anyway, I digress.
Ronald Reagan (the real one, not the lizard :-)) once famously defined a Communist as “someone who reads Marx and Lenin” and an anti-Communist as “someone who understood Marx and Lenin”.
And no, I wouldn’t really consider myself an anti-Communist either, but in that sense and more precisely, both my political views AND my religious views could be summed up as “someone who understood Hegel” (the German enlightenment philosopher whom Marx ripped off).
I know how important it is for some people to label everyone they agree or disagree with, putting everyone in neat little categories. So you’re welcome :-)
Anyway, getting back to the topic of CCP spies infiltrating conservatives to make them look (even more) like complete idiots…
As was recently reported by everyone EXCEPT the Epoch Times, a whole bunch of Russian and Chinese spies were discovered and arrested here in Germany after having infiltrated various political institutions.
Most notably, a Chinese guy named Jian Guo was arrested in Germany at the end of April 2024 and accused of being a spy for the CCP and passing on confidential E.U. parliament documents and even being involved in spying on and persecuting Chinese dissidents in Germany. Jian Guo had access to these E.U. Parliament documents because Maximilian Krah made him his assistant for inside the European Parliament.
Maximilian Krah is a member of the European Parliament for the infamous German far right AfD-Party and one of the AfD’s leaders and their main candidate (before that scandal broke). He has also long been a notorious supporter of the Chinese Government and their policies himself and is now himself under investigation of having been on the CCP’s payroll.
So why was the Epoch Times which usually jumps at any opportunity to expose the CCP, pretty much the only international newspaper that DIDN’T report on this? Obviously I don’t know, but it might have had something to do with their long history of supporting the AfD.
As even in their English edition they recently published a whole bunch of articles in support of the AfD and even providing another AfD member of parliament with an unfiltered platform to promote her Party’s agenda of “re-migration” in an in-depth one hour interview with questions that are so affirming and supportive that they couldn’t even be called softball:
Even more recently they started broadcasting entire political rallies of the AfD even in their English edition and in full length, completely raw and uncut and even without any English translations, such as the AfD rally held in Magdeburg after the terror attack on the Christmas market there:
With even the people in the Epoch Times comment section calling all illegals “rats” and demanding their deportation. Except of course that the terrorist was actually a medical doctor and WASN’T here illegally and actually WASN’T a Muslim but actually hated Muslims - but he knew that parties like the AfD and newspapers like the Epoch Times would spin it against Muslims, which is the real reason why he did it - but of course you would never know any of that by relying on the Epoch Times.
The AfD was also recently exposed as organizing a secret meeting together with the Identitarian Movement (who are basically straight up National Socialists) and their Austrian “Führer” Martin Sellner, wherein they discussed their plan of forced “re-migration” (basically deporting anyone who isn’t German or who is German but believes in Islam and/or opposes the AfD):
In my previous article about the German Epoch Times I already gave examples of them not only endlessly praising the AfD and even the Identitarian Movement, but even directly adopting their demands of deportation ahm - I mean “re-migration” of Muslims and their propagating of the “Kalergi-Plan” conspiracy theory as fact and I also talked about how this alleged “Kalergi-Plan” was actually an invention by the National Socialists to “justify” the Holocaust, stemming from Hitler’s sequel to “Mein K(r)ampf” (I am not making any of this up, read my previous articles!).
Now let’s end by going back to Hegel. Why did I basically define my political and ideological position as being against Hegel? Well, what’s Hegel famous for? The Hegelian Dialectic. What’s Hegel’s legacy? The split between his own followers and their opposition to each other, resulting in what was called the “Old Hegelians” and the “Young Hegelians”.
This all gets rather complicated if you go into it in-depth. Hegel himself would probably write 20 volumes just on this subject and after reading them all you still wouldn’t know what any of it means.
So the following is gonna be grossly oversimplified, but in a nutshell the Young Hegelians are what later became the Marxists and the socialist and communist revolutionaries (what we now regard as the extreme left) while the Old Hegelians are what later became the National Socialists (what we now regard as the extreme right).
So what’s the Hegelian dialectic then? Well, this is. Because the Hegelian dialectic is kinda like their sacred doctrine (if they were to admit that they have a doctrine). So, of course they apply it to everything, including themselves. Again, grossly oversimplified and put into practice, it means creating two opposing sides and stirring up conflict between them, thereby creating struggle through which society advances (at least according to both Marx and Hegel).
So the takeaway is that the extreme left and the extreme right really have the same Hegelian ideology of destructive and perpetual struggle behind them. Also, the Old Hegelians (aka the extreme right) are NOT conservatives, though they do LOVE to pass themselves off as that. Because Hegel’s entire philosophy aims at (eventually) completely abolishing any and all traditional institutions and social structures, such as State, religion, traditional faith, traditional ethics etc. You know, EXACTLY all those things actual conservatives usually like and want to “conserve”.
So, the difference between the Old Hegelians and the young ones, doesn’t lie in their goal, as they both have that same rather destructive and revolutionary goal of “abolishing all previously existing social conditions” as Marx put it. And the Old Hegelians share that goal just as much, so they too are actually opposed to anything “conservative”. So why do they try to pass themselves off as conservatives then and what distinguishes them from the Young Hegelians?
What distinguishes them is merely their method for achieving the same goal. The Young Hegelians advocate for immediate and openly violent and total revolution, while the Old Hegelians are more calculating, cunning and long-term goal oriented, and so they don’t advocate for openly abolishing previous State institutions and religious institutions, instead trying to infiltrate and undermine and destroying them from within.
So of course today’s Hegelians will freely use a “synthesis” of both extremes (which truly are just different tactics for achieving the same goal). And in any case, both extremes were created by them in the first place, cause struggle, extremes and their eventual “synthesis” are what they are all about.
So if your opposition to the one extreme makes you go to the other extreme, you have fallen right into the trap and are actually helping BOTH kinds of extremists.
Interesting writing! Epoch Times is fighting a difficult battle against Goliath funding and resources? Their health and auxiliary stuff sucks but Thought Leaders is often compelling if not belated.
Readers of a Libertarian bent might appreciate Bill Still's work - he was a Libertarian candidate for US President and has a great documentary called "The Secret of OZ" on YouTube.
Yes, well said. I have written to the US Epoch site to comment on numerous occasions and have often published about organ harvesting, persecution of Tibetans , Uyghurs, Falun Gong etc. on my site and in newspapers. The response from Epoch was adequate in sympathy but lacking in substance. What is truly revelatory is how well propaganda works for the Chinese. I live in Thailand, and here I have been hammered by the Thai-Chinese 50 cent army. Google has succeeded in completely wiping me from the internet, and for the most part, I don't get published here anymore, due primarily to Chinese direct investment in local media. As to Germany and the UK, where is their Trump equivalent and the requisite support? One may only hope?