I like the Epoch Times, but its German version spouts more insane propaganda than Goebbels!
An open letter to the Epoch Times

I love the English and Chinese versions of the Epoch Times and I feel they are finally a truthful, unbiased, and balanced news source. And I truly mean that. Sure, the Epoch Times is critical of socialism, but so am I. That’s why for a long time I kept silent about the German Epoch Times being the exact opposite of that. Sure, I have written letters to the Epoch Times to no end, but got no reply from the English and Chinese versions and only personal attacks, insults and hatred from the German version.
But now that even the English Epoch Times started to take the stance of the German Epoch Times - at least when it comes to supporting German far-right extremist parties aligned with the “Identitarian Movement” and the “National Bolsheviks” (which is essentially just another way of saying “National Socialists”), I feel I should no longer stay quiet about this and expose it, so I decided to publish one of the many letters I wrote to the Epoch Times and which they decided to ignore.
Dear English Epoch Times,
As I am sure you know by now, the German Epoch Times has long published nonsensical articles about the earth being flat (and hollow) and about space aliens and secret space warships and reptilians running our governments and whatnot. You have been made aware of this for quite some time now, yet at the end of the day nothing was really done about it and they have not changed their stance and I never even received a reply from you to any of my E-mails, even though I have been told that you did receive them.
What concerns me more than the flat earth stuff and what constitutes the underlying cause of such irrational behavior, is the National Socialist and extremist propaganda which they also continue to express in their articles. And among themselves, they talk about little else than the national socialist conspiracy theory about the alleged "Great Replacement” (of the German people) and about how allegedly the only holocaust that would have ever happened would have been perpetrated by the Jews against the Germans (that’s literally what one of their editors told me in the Facebook messages below) and how the surrender of the 3rd Reich would be invalid and how we would still be in WWII and how the modern Germany would be an invalid State and how the 3rd Reich would still be the legitimate government of Germany and how the evil American capitalist imperialists are controlling and manipulating us and so on (I can even show you examples of that, because as opposed to you, THEY did reply to me and even wrote such things in their replies to me).

Though by now they have superficially become a bit more careful about stating such things too directly in print (which after all is illegal here) that nevertheless is still how they think and what they spread both in person and in their articles and they even take part in the protests of far-right extremist groups such as the “Reichsbürger” and even openly national socialist groups such as the Identitarian Movement - not only privately, but also as the Epoch Times and specifically spread the newspaper there - often even with a booth and encourage others to specifically target and take part in such protests.

A protest by the Q-Anon movement on January 6th 2021 in Vienna in support of the main protest/riot in Washington DC the same day. Notice the Epoch Times van. As Austrian journalist Michael Bonvalot points out, the reason they were there was not so as to report on the protest (they didn’t) but rather because they were actually the main organizers and speakers of the event.
Even in their articles they propagate racist and national socialist ideology and doctrine such as ariosophy - and I am gonna show you examples of that in just a second. But as you know, before they started doing that, your paper was already seen as being affiliated with a “spiritual” doctrine with a “sun wheel”, as a lot of people see you as the newspaper of the Falun Gong movement and I know that at least some of you are at least sympathetic towards them (as am I) and don’t want them to be slandered and persecuted.
Yet by allowing such nonsense to be printed in your name and by extension (at least seemingly) in the name of Falun Gong, you are playing right into the hands of the CCP, as they have tried hard to demonize Falun Gong and portray them as Nazis - yet you are doing it for them - I am sure the Wumaos (Chinese internet trolls) the world over can’t thank you enough!
You have to understand that the German far-right movement is VERY different from what's being labeled "far-right" in other countries. It's not at all like with your American "far-right extremists" like Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro who while getting labeled white supremacists and National Socialists, are actually very much opposed to that ideology in reality. Yet if someone gets labeled such things in Germany, chances are he isn't a black or Jewish guy with traditional religious values - but an actual National Socialist (who actually absolutely hates such ethnicities).
But of course Germans do not understand that your "far-right extremists" are different from ours. All they see is you supporting the "white supremacist" Larry Elder or the "National Socialist" Ben Shapiro and being oblivious even about the ethnicity of these people, they take it at face value and so to them it appears as if you are also supporting far-right extremists and as if that's what they are supposed to do then.
Here are some concrete examples. Some of these articles are deleted now, but only precisely because I already used them as examples in some of my previous E-mails to them and they just did that to make me shut up about it, not because they saw anything wrong with it or had a change of heart as they are actually continuing in that vein, but I'll get to that.
German Epoch Times article claiming the earth would be hollow.
Here is another one claiming the earth would be flat.
Here is one that says the "chemtrail" conspiracy theory would be a fact.
Here is one showing a video on Youtube with a badly done CGI-Alien and claiming it as proof for Roswell.
Here is an article that uses a source that claims that 105% of refugees from Tunisia would be criminals.
Here is an article which claims (even in its title) that the white supremacist conspiracy theory of the "great replacement" would be true and then goes on to say that Arabs would see themselves as the “master race” and would come here to rape our women and children so as to allegedly “replace and exterminate” the European races.
Here is a translation of the beginning:
"What we have seen so far in terms of mass immigration into Germany and Europe was only the prelude to floods of migrants of "biblical proportions", which will literally overrun us in the next few years and thin us out and drive out the native races of Europe and yes, will ultimately exterminate us - at least if it goes according to the mental ejaculations of the still ruling string pullers on this earth, which strive for a left-fascist world dictatorship, in which any opinions which deviate from their policy are to be sanctioned draconically."
Here is a more "spiritual" article that asks if migration might be against the divine will of keeping the races clean (that’s literally the title of the article).
Here is a translated section:
"But the plans for the destruction of the European races are much older. The anthropologist Dr. Earnest Hooton demanded in the 1940s to destroy German nationalism by reducing our birthrate and by "mass immigration" - especially of non-German men. In order that no great resistance would arise among the German population, this re-breeding was to proceed slowly.
The Catholic Freemason Count Richard Nicolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi was already strongly committed in the 1920s to a "Pan-Europe" which included the African colonies, which according to his mental ejaculations should be populated by "half-breeds" of a "Eurasian-negroid future race". At that time, the banker Max Warburg offered Kalergi the considerable sum of 60,000 gold marks, for a period of three years, to advance the pan-European movement. After the end of the Second World War, the Kalergi Plan attracted the interest of then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who used Kalergi's vision as the basis for creating the "United States of Europe." And what do we have today? The European Union!
By the way, did you know that Angela Merkel was awarded the 2010 Europe Prize of the Coudenhove-Kalergi European Society?"
The article then continues under the sub-headline; "Why this extermination mania against the Germans and Europeans?":
"Masses of people are streaming into our country who bring with them neither a school education nor any culture of any value at all - so in other words, they do not 'enrich' us - and who also come to Europe with a great potential for hatred and aggression. And after some time they will have children with the native population. A soul that is more highly developed will likely think twice, whether it still wants to incarnate into such a family and expose itself to such potential aggression.
Because, basically in the spiritual world above there is also a hierarchical structure among the souls, depending on the degree of their soul maturity. A 'Germanic' soul, in simple terms, will tend to want to incarnate less in Africa, but rather where it can tie in with its spiritual and mental development and develop further. By utilizing a world-wide 'mixed race' this possibility is to be blocked for the more highly developed souls, so that by using their millennia-old knowledge the positive in the world does not spread further. The power-hungry ruling clique simply thinks centuries ahead."
"Not only 'merely' people are imported into Germany and Europe, but with them come many negative energies of poverty and a mentality of poverty as well as energies of war! In addition hate and aggression energies are added in as well. And there is still another aspect with this thing: New diseases are imported into Europe, which did not exist or did not exist anymore on our continent. Go and ask doctors in hospitals who have treated many migrants. Many of them were perplexed by the amount of diseases and symptoms these people brought with them.
What is going on in Europe right now, however, is a forced immigration of migrants with the goal of smuggling in masses of people - almost exclusively young, battle-hardened men who are willing to reproduce - from cultural circles that are in complete opposition and are simply 'incompatible' with the cultures of the European nation states."
Like I said, I already complained about these articles so they deleted some of them - but purely to make me shut up as they went on to even call me things such as “Kite-Lover” (they didn’t say kite and they didn’t say lover). Because they don’t actually see anything wrong with their behavior and their mentality has not changed at all and they continue writing new articles in the same vein.
Here is an article that defends the Identitarian Movement and the article openly attacks the German government for wanting to outlaw the group as being a National Socialist group (which is essentially what they are though).
And here is an article that claims Corona could be cured by drinking green tea and eating grapes and chocolate: https://www.epochtimes.de/gesundheit/studie-inhaltsstoffe-von-gruenem-tee-trauben-und-dunkler-schokolade-blockieren-sars-cov-2-a3400252.html
And in this article from just a few months ago [at the time of sending the letter] titled "German meta-study proves the harmful effects of masks" they wrote: "There are no properly conducted studies that indicate any kind of use or benefit of [N95] masks - no matter the scenario or for what purpose”. [Meaning even outside of the use against viruses] https://www.epochtimes.de/gesundheit/deutsche-meta-studie-beweist-schaedliche-wirkungen-von-masken-a3509845.html
And as you can see, these articles are still on the Epoch Times website and these are just some examples as they continue to write in that vein. You always claim the mainstream media portrays you unfairly. Don’t you realize that they base that portrayal on your German version? So if that portrayal is indeed unfair, why do you refuse to distance yourself from them and allow them to continue doing those things in your name?
If you really insist on letting them continue, at the very least you could write an article series opposing and exposing such racist nonsense (instead of affirming it by supporting the AfD which spouts the exact same nonsense). You have written countless article series exposing socialism, so why not at least write ONE exposing national socialism? I am sure your German version would get the message.
Just like they also get the message when you not only allow them to go on like that, but even chime in in their support of extreme right German political parties.
(the apparent demon and tite fucter - I replaced the k’s with t’s)

Also, check out my follow up article; Chinese spies and their imaginary lizards ;-)