Where does the propaganda about the "great replacement" actually come from?
I really did nat-zee this com... no wait, I did...
Many of the substacks and other blogs I myself subscribed to and was a big fan of and supporter for many years and who didn’t used to be extremists in the least, have recently started embracing a lot of extremist rhetoric o_O
So no, it isn’t just the German Epoch Times that has lost its marbles, but like the German Epoch Times they started to spout things about a “Kalergi plan” and started fear mongering about Muslims intentionally coming here to “replace” us by allegedly raping our women and children and thereby producing more Muslims.
Because apparently (in their logic) Islam isn’t a religion or an ideology at all but a race and apparently if you are an infant born of that race you have like evil genes or something that make you inherently evil and violent and in turn make you then want to likewise reproduce by raping “innocent and pure” German girls?!? Thereby (to quote a certain failed painter) “soiling our pure German blood”.
So in other words, since Islam isn’t seen as a religion and is instead portrayed as a race that is somehow inherently evil, their logic therefore is that certain races can indeed be inherently evil - and are kinda not human - and are more akin to a virus, a parasite or vermin.
Now as a German, where have I seen such “logic” before? Hmm… I wonder? Can’t quite put my outstretched right arm on it…
And no, I am not saying that Substack needs to necessarily censor such things. I am and always have been against censorship and as long as there truly still is freedom of speech, it’s easy to expose such propaganda and I’ll get to that. Because the thing is that I know where this type of propaganda comes from.

Now, I am not at all saying that Muslim extremists don’t exist or that having human traffickers lure people in with (MOSTLY false) promises of free education, welfare and healthcare is a good thing. It certainly isn't and of course it's gonna lead to problems and obviously some of the more extreme politicians here in Europe are intentionally trying to mess things up and cause trouble and conflicts - cause the more trouble there is the more people will support their extremist party.
That said, this whole "theory of the great replacement" isn't some kind of label the socialists came up with - well it is - but not the kind of socialists you are thinking of. What happened is that once upon a time there was a failed landscape painter, draft dodger and illegal immigrant into Germany named Adolf Hitler who (sorta) founded a political party called "National Socialist German Worker's Party" which actually faced a lot of opposition (before said opposition mysteriously disappeared in forced labor camps).
One prominent and outspoken opponent of ALL socialist dictators was another Austrian guy named Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. I actually bought physical copies of ALL his books and read through all of them cause I wanted to make sure I didn't miss his “evil plan” that he apparently propagates in his books (spoiler alert, there is no mention of any such plan in any of his books).
Anyway, like I said, Kalergi was actually “just” a big opponent of socialist dictatorships and people like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. So big, that our failed painter decided to dedicate an entire chapter of his (unpublished cause it's crap) second “autobiography” and sequel to Mein K(r)ampf solely to attacking and slandering Kalergi.
Later, Nazi propaganda picked up Hitler’s draft and likewise started slandering Kalergi claiming he would be an "elite Jew" manipulating his fellow Jews with their ugly big noses and vampire fangs to come to Germany and have sex with our most beautiful and holy and pure "Aryan" girls and raping them and committing the most horrible sodomy with them and thereby trying to intentionally and systematically exterminate us superior German Volk.

Skip forward 50 years and I am sitting at the dinner table with my dearest grandpa and as always I am nagging him to tell me stories about the war and the Eastern front. But this time he doesn't just repeat the same stories for the 20th time, but actually tells me something he didn't tell me before and kinda casually mentions how an injured Jew tried to flee and hide at his farm and how my grandpa reported him and how he was then shot.
Having never seen my father, I absolutely idolized my grandpa, so that kinda took me by surprise there a little bit. So after recovering from my initial shock I ask him why he didn't help him or at least pretended to not see him and let him remain in hiding. Of course that would have been dangerous, but as it turned out that wasn't the reason for my grandfather's action.
It was then that I heard about the "great replacement" propaganda crap for the first time, as my grandfather explained it all to me, but also explained how he was systematically indoctrinated with that type of propaganda and how it was systematically used to demonize the Jews and make the holocaust possible. Cause see, my grandfather really wasn't a bad person and like any good person he is against genocide, but thanks to all that great replacement crap, he thought it was the Jews doing the exterminating, so when push came to shove, he acted the way he did.
Very educational!